Bonjour ! I'm Virgine

I'm theĀ Creative Director and CMO of Dfine Yoga. With a passion for creativity, mindfulness, and holistic wellness, I've established myselfĀ as a leading force in the industry, crafting immersive experiences that go beyond the physical practice of yoga. MyĀ vision is to create a movement that redefines yoga, making it accessible and inclusive for all, while empowering individuals to cultivate self-awareness, inner peace, and physical vitality. With a commitment to authenticity, mindfulness, empowerment, inclusivity, and innovation, I lead Dfine Yoga in creating a transformative journey of self-discovery, vitality, and holistic well-being for a diverse community of yoga enthusiasts.

Life is an art and we are the artist.



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 & Live Your Best Life

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What people say


“I trusted the process of working with Virginie, but I am blown away with the pure magic of her approach.”

— Christine Marquilly

"Virginie's approach is so open and sincere that it is really easy to change and evolve with confidence."

—  Marie-Pier Drolet

“To work with Virginie is to remember who we really are. Virginie always pushes my limits and helps me grow into the best version of myself. With her coaching, I always feel inspired to embody the powerful warrior-goddess that I know I am.”

— Stephanie Couturier

Fit Friends Challenge


Every day you will receive an email and all you have to do is commit to do the suggested exercises. It’s only 5 days and it’s a great way to get your mojo back.


Are You in for a Challenge?

Get 5 days of FREE coaching tips from Bri & Virginie. Every day you will receive a short email. We are your Fit Friends and we are here to elevate you into discovering the range of your abilities. We want to see you win!